ECDL Course

Duration: Intensive 3 months

The ECDL Course covers essential computer skills required for the modern workplace. The course provides comprehensive training in computer and online essentials, word processing, spreadsheets, IT security, and presentation skills


Computer Essentials (4 weeks)

  1. Introduction to computers, hardware and software
  2. Basic operations and file management

Online Essentials (4 weeks)

  1. Internet browsing and search techniques
  2. Email communication and online safety

Word Processing (4 weeks)

  1. Creating, formatting, and printing documents
  2. Advanced text editing and document collaboration

Spreadsheets (4 weeks)

  1. Basic spreadsheet creation and data entry
  2. Formulas, functions, and data analysis

IT Security (4 weeks)

  1. Understanding cyber threats and security measures
  2. Implementing security policies and procedures

Presentation (4 weeks)

  1. Creating effective presentations
  2. Using multimedia elements and presentation delivery techniques

Format: Weekly 2-hour theoretical sessions, 2-hour practical labs